Drive safely
You are risking your life and others’ if you 1) drive on the wrong side or 2) talk on the phone while driving.

Benefits of Reading by Dharmendra Sheth
Reading leads to success and happiness. Period. But how? First of all, reading widens your mental (what many call intellectual) horizons. The more you read, the more information you pick up about the world and everything in it. This leads to a solid core of knowledge that is useful to you in a wide variety…

Vocabulary Workshop
Hello, Please spread the word about this workshop in your circle if you can. Thank you very much. ???

Say not the struggle naught availeth by Arthur Hugh Clough
Hi everyone, This morning I recorded one of my favourite poems “Say not the struggle naught availeth” by Arthur Hugh Clough. I read it (and often aloud) when I feel down in the dumps… when I feel I haven’t got what I deserve… my efforts aren’t aptly rewarded… or I suffer for no faults of…

You live and learn…
Hi everyone, Here’s just a quick note. We live and learn. Of course, you will agree with me. Well, we usually don’t (actually can’t) learn everything of anything. For instance, I have been using MS Word for decades. But in the last two days, I have come to know about so many features and tricks…

World Teachers’ Day (5 October, 2018)
World Teachers’ Day, also known as International Teachers Day, is held annually on October 5. It aims to focus on “appreciating, assessing and improving the educators of the world” and to provide an opportunity to consider issues related to teachers and teaching. This is what Wikipedia says. Well, such days give us teachers a…

To be or not to be
As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, here’s my first attempt at recording ‘To be, or not to be’, the famous soliloquy by Prince Hamlet in William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Click this link to listen to it. In case you want the audio file via WhatsApp, please send me a message on 9825442418. I look forward…