Nuances of the English language to improve your accuracy and

How are we different!

English for life and business is a presentation for a live

English for Life and Business

Everything in language learning is important; vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. This presentation stresses on accuracy, i.e., paying attention

English Matters

There is no excerpt because this is a protected

Protected: A Diagnostic Test with Answers

Let’s test our GK or General Knowledge with this interesting set of

GK General Knowledge Quiz

Phrasal verbs can add value to your

70 Phrasal verbs

Fluency, Accuracy and Appropriateness are goals of communication. This workshop will equip you to master

Fluency, Accuracy and Appropriateness — a workshop

It is always interesting to know where and how words are formed in a language, what the roots of commonly known and used words are, and whether they

Word Origin — Etymology

Vocabulary development is an integral part of language learning. It is crucial for fluency, accuracy and

Have a way with words

When a verb is followed by another verb, the second verb takes a particular form for a particular meaning. Let's study what groups of verbs follow

Verb plus Verb Patterns

Knowing a word is owning a word. Paull Nation's

Knowing a word

Collocation, word partnership, is an important feature of

Collocations — Word Partners