Advanced Vocabulary Test and Video

Advanced Vocabulary Test and Video

Dear English language learners/lovers/users, apathy, audacious, capricious, enervate, ephemeral, ostentatious, prevaricate, surfeit, venerate a) If yes, congratulations. b) If not, watch the video using the link given at the end of this message. c) If not sure, don’t worry—click this link to do the test and get instant result and feedback: Happy Learning, Happy…

How to pronounce: COT, COAT and COURT

How to pronounce: COT, COAT and COURT

Hello everyone, Many English language learners find it difficult to pronounce a few specific sounds in English. Here’s a set of three such common vowel sounds difficult for non-native learners of English. COT, COAT and COURT. Please watch this video and speak the practice words after the speaker. You can also visit Fluentlingua YouTube Channel…