Wanna improve your pronunciation?
Wanna improve your pronunciation? Learn to speak clearly and effectively in standard British English. Last workshop before Diwali. And that too on “Vak Baras” day (not “vag”). It’s a day when we in India worship Saraswatiji, the Goddess of learning. “Vak” is related to “speech”. Many speak it as “vag”, a tiger. I’d prefer to…

Hi everyone, Here are a few confessions. 1) Writing: Let me confess that it is not possible to write a meaningful post every day. Writing takes time. Sometimes you have a thought but no time to put it into words. And sometimes your thought is too difficult to be clothed in words. 2) Punctuality: I am…

Drive safely
You are risking your life and others’ if you 1) drive on the wrong side or 2) talk on the phone while driving.

Vocabulary Workshop
Hello, Please spread the word about this workshop in your circle if you can. Thank you very much. ???

Benefits of Reading by Dharmendra Sheth
Reading leads to success and happiness. Period. But how? First of all, reading widens your mental (what many call intellectual) horizons. The more you read, the more information you pick up about the world and everything in it. This leads to a solid core of knowledge that is useful to you in a wide variety…

Say not the struggle naught availeth by Arthur Hugh Clough
Hi everyone, This morning I recorded one of my favourite poems “Say not the struggle naught availeth” by Arthur Hugh Clough. I read it (and often aloud) when I feel down in the dumps… when I feel I haven’t got what I deserve… my efforts aren’t aptly rewarded… or I suffer for no faults of…