Becoming an effective ELT professional in Gujarat

Becoming an effective ELT professional in Gujarat

H. M. Patel Memorial Lecture on 27 August 2018 by Dr Dharmendra Sheth Founder, Fluentlingua, Surat on Becoming an effective English Language Teaching (ELT) Professional in Gujarat If one keeps the international scene in mind, the knowledge of English is inevitable for intellectual growth and technological development. Along with increasing use of regional language, a…

Seven Essentials of Effective Teaching

Seven Essentials of Effective Teaching

(Published in ‘The Journal of English Language Teaching – India [ELT@I] March-April 2010) Conscientious teachers often ask themselves, “Do my students learn what I teach, and how well?” “Am I a successful teacher?” “Are my students happy with my teaching?” I do not know if I am a good example of the class ‘conscientious teacher’,…

My letter to Mr Narendra Modi

My letter to Mr Narendra Modi

માનનીય શ્રી નરેન્દ્ર મોદીજી,       અપાર લોકપ્રિયતા મેળવીને 2014ની લોકસભાની ચૂંટણી માટે વડાપ્રધાનપદના સર્વસંમત દાવેદાર બનવા બદલ અભિનંદન ! આપની સાથે હું યે ગુજરાતી છું તેનું મને ગૌરવ છે. પણ આજે મારે ગુજરાતીઓને માટે કાળી ટીલી ગણાતી અંગ્રેજી ભાષા વિશે વાત કરવી છે અને તે પણ શક્ય તેટલા ઓછા શબ્દોમાં.         1) રાષ્ટ્રીય સ્તરે કોઈપણ…



An interesting word. It means ‘not in my backyard’. After I posted this, some viewers/friends asked me to tell them how to use this word. So I have copied below the entry for the word ‘nimby’ from Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. I hope it helps.   Nimby /” noun [C] ABBREVIATION FOR not in my…

Why conferences or seminars?

Why conferences or seminars?

Dr Dharmendra Sheth. Ex National Vice President, ELT@I [email protected]          9825442418   Why conferences or seminars?   Every once in a while, conscientious professionals check whether what they are doing is up to the mark and worthwhile. This forms a vital component of continuing professional development (CPD).   After a conference a few months ago,…