English Premier
(An Online Self-study Programme to Improve Your English)

Just imagine that people are waiting to listen to you. You stand up and begin to speak. Your audience is spellbound by your clarity of thought, command of language, and ability to convey your ideas. You use the right word at the right time. You enunciate each word clearly. You use the right rhythm and intonation to get your message across. Your audience is absorbed in your talk. They clap at regular intervals. They want to listen to you more and more. In sum, you leave a lasting positive impression on your listeners.
Just imagine being able to express your ideas coherently and effectively in emails, letters, or stories. Your writing influences people the way you like. Imagine you getting responses to your emails and messages in your favour, always! You wield enormous power over your readers.
Now, for the above to happen, you need a solid command of language and substantial knowledge of various spheres of life. You need a wide vocabulary and flawless structural competence under your belt. You need to know how to strike a chord with your audience. With your knowledge of life and language, you can wield enormous influence in your chosen field of work.
The question now is: HOW?
Well, the answer is English Premier. It’s not an ordinary spoken English or English improvement course. It’s an online self-study programme. In it, you will learn lots of tricks and techniques to quickly improve your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Plus you will obtain extensive knowledge of various areas of life via quality English.
What will you get?
- pre-recorded videos (>100) on various aspects of language and life.
- lots of material to work on your language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- enormous collection of carefully selected audio-visual material to improve your essential general knowledge covering various areas such as history, economics, mathematics, biology, and astronomy.
- continual guidance on how to study and what.
- access to live doubt-clearing sessions at regular intervals, mostly at weekends.
- resources for language learning and simple methods to use them.
- personalised support via WhatsApp or email.
The best part of the course is that it is an endless course. I will keep uploading new material on a regular basis. You can also suggest topics that you want to learn, and I will explore or create some relevant material to upload.
You can download the entire list of contents here:
Once you pay the fee and send me your email address, I will grant you access to the course which is uploaded on Google Classroom.
Fee: Only 999/-
You can pay your fee via Google Pay / PayTm (9825442418) or credit or debit cards using this LINK.
In case you want to pay via net banking, our bank account details are given below.
- A/C No: 50200062921548
- IFSC: HDFC0000251
- A/C Type: Current Account
Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries
Happy Learning!