21 Tips for Public Speaking

  1. Set a goal.
  2. Understand your audience.
  3. Make a good start.
  4. Research your subject well.
  5. Arrange ideas in a coherent manner.
  6. Use acronyms to remember points.
  7. Dress for the occasion.
  8. Keep your gestures under control—use them sparingly for a reason.
  9. Keep a posture which commands authority and attention.
  10. Speak in a pleasant, modulated voice.
  11. Maintain eye contact.
  12. Ensure audience’s involvement.
  13. Inject appropriate humour.
  14. Use anecdotes to spice up your speech.
  15. Keep handouts ready if any.
  16. Use colours and fonts which are easy on the eye.
  17. Present rather than read.
  18. Vary your pace, tone, volume, style judiciously.
  19. Keep plan B handy.
  20. Have some content up your sleeve for any emergency.
  21. End on a positive note.