ELWA Spoken English workbooks — an introduction

Hello everyone,

I am delighted to announce the publication of ELWA, English Language Workbooks for All. It’s a graded series of three workbooks for spoken English—English Basics, English Ahead and English Edge. ELWA is based on my more than two decades of classroom teaching experience and research. It has tried and tested material. It is activity oriented and forward looking. You can use it individually too but it is ideal for classroom use or group study. Spoken English demands practice and for practice you need a group. They are available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2Mj9rZC

There are numerous books available on the market for English but most are too bulky and detailed. Most learners give up after a while. We don’t want that to happen. ELWA covers essential areas of English. It covers fundamentals of all language skills—LSRWVGP. And it follows the pattern—study, practice and use. It focuses on conceptual clarity. It gives sufficient material for practice. It provides activities to encourage the use of English in various situations. It fulfills real-life needs of language learners and makes them independent and confident users of English.

You might ask what is special about ELWA.

Well, first of all, free after-sales support. Let me explain what it is. When you buy any language study material, generally you don’t have any contact with the writer. If the book helps you, you are lucky. And if you don’t understand, you can’t ask the writer. Our ELWA series is different. While studying any of our three books, if you have any queries, you can let us know via email and we will try to answer your queries. If many learners have similar queries, we may prepare special material and upload it on our website. We believe in a long-term association with language learners.

Second, at the end of each coursebook we have provided a form. You can fill that in, take a picture and send it to us via email. We will add your details to our broadcasts. You will get regular material for language improvement—Free.

Our third USP is our website. We continually upload useful study material for language learners. While doing workbooks, you can use the free material uploaded on our website. Our website has five different types of material—text, picture, audio, video, and tests. And you can use all these on your mobile.

If you are running an organization—school, college, tuition class or company—and if you buy more than a hundred copies of a particular book, we will provide 5 hours of free online training to your teachers/trainers. In that, we will train your trainers in the use of our workbooks in the classroom. We also provide on-site training at affordable rates. You can contact us for that.

Finally, if you are interested in starting a Fluentlingua franchise centre, please send us your details via email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you very much. I look forward to helping you.