General Knowledge Quiz
1. The most populous city in the world is – Tokyo
2. The largest desert in the world is – the Sahara
3. Mount Everest is located in – Nepal
4. The gas used for the preparation of soda water is – Carbon Dioxide
5. Web pages are written using – HTML
6. The number of bones in an adult human body is – 206
7. The common European currency is – The Euro
8. The first Prime minister of India was – Jawaharlal Nehru
9. The national flower of Britain is – the rose
10. The Eiffel tower was built by – Alexander Eiffel
11. Australia was discovered by – James Cook
12. The largest and most populous country in South America is – Brazil
13. The author of Harry Potter Books is – JK Rowling
14. The woman with the most number of titles for wimbledon for wonmen’s singles is – Martina Navratilova
15. The bridge in Paris famous for love locks is built over the river – The Seine
16. The Industrial Revolution started in – England
17. The capital of Australia is – Canberra
18. The only continent with land in all four hemispheres is – Africa
19. The World Environment Day is observed on – 5th June
20. The first Republican President of America was – Abraham Lincoln
21. The largest bay in the world is – Hudson Bay, Canada
22. The most densely populated city in the world is – Manila
23. The country that has the longest coastline in the world is – Canada
24. The headquaters of World Health Organization (WHO) is in – Geneva
25. The largest gulf in the world is – Gulf of Mexico
26. The highest uninterupted waterfall in the world is – Angel Falls, Venezuella
27. It is easy to float in this lake between Jordan and Israel – The Dead Sea
28. The largest country on the Arabian Peninsula is – Saudi Arabia
29. The metal present in the haemoglobin is – iron
30. The the smallest country in the world is – Vatican City
31. The razor-thin country that accounts for more than half of the western coastline of South America is – Chile
32. The river that runs through Baghdad is – The Tigris
33. The African nation that has the most pyramids is – Sudan
34. The U.S. state that has the most active volcanoes is – Alaska
35. The flattest continent on earth is – Australia