Phrases and sentences containing the sound /z/ as in ‘zoo’. Spoken English Tip

Some phrases and sentences containing the sound /z/ as in ‘zoo’. It’s useful for many non-native learners of English in whose mother tongue this sound doesn’t exist. Clarity of this sound is of vital importance in spoken English.

Listen and repeat.

1.       waysand means
2.       raysof the sun
3.       bagsof rice
4.       size of rooms
5.       a wise man
6.       possess cars
7.       roses in houses
8.       henslay eggs
9.       size zero
10.    laser-sharp tools
11.    handsand legs
12.    grazing cows
13.    lazy dogs
14.    phase zero
15.    chasing on hazy roads
16.    refuse to use it
17.    devise plans
18.    recognise words
19.    newsand views
20.    newsand views about zoos
21.    Roze’s toys and music
22.    feelingsand emotions
23.    townsand buildings
24.    babiesin the bazaar
25.    kindsof things
26.    amazing zebras
27.    release the goods
28.    a runny nose
29.    busy bees
30.    thousands of girls
31.    resist temptations
32.    tidesand ebbs
33.    resign easily
34.    a lazy president