Learn Spoken English at Home — DIY

Learn Spoken English at Home — Free


Dear English language learner,


Do you want to study English from the comfort of your home? Do you want to get good quality and interesting self-study material to improve your English?

“Well, yes, but how?” I hear you ask.

Well, visit www.fluentlingua.com and click on “Learn” to enter into an exciting world of English. You will have instant access to six types of material, including audio-visual, to study, practise and test your English. And it is absolutely FREE. No log-in requirements, no passwords, no fee, no email registration, nothing; just your desire to learn English. What’s more, it isn’t run-of-the-mill type material. No, not at all. It is unique. It is carefully prepared, or chosen, and presented.


Read: Reading enriches your language and life. In this section, you will find material on a variety of topics. It can kindle your imagination. It might change your mood too. For instance, when you are feeling low or down in the dumps, read some short stories, essays, poems, inspirational passages, even prayers and you will come out smiling, relieved of your blues.


See: When you buy a gadget or an item of clothing, you spend a lot of time deciding what colour combinations or shades will suit you. Well, words also have shades of meaning. Almost every word has multiple meanings depending on the context and the co-text. Check this out for close to 300 words taught via vocabulary nuggets containing pictures and example sentences. You might try one per day and increase your word power daily, substantially. Surprise your friends with this new found skill of using words aptly and correctly in different situations.


Listen: Listening is the key to success in language learning. We have a number of audio files to improve your pronunciation—sounds, word stress, rhythm and intonation. Imitate—listen and repeat as much as you can.


Watch: There are many videos teaching various aspects of English such as grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. They will make you feel you are sitting in a classroom or learning personally from an experienced teacher. Quite a few videos cover different nuances of English. And learning them will be fun and fruitful. By the way, some videos contain explanations in Hindi or Gujarati for beginner level learners. Some videos, especially those dealing with fundamental areas of English such as tenses, modals and conditionals, are available in Gujarati, Hindi and English.


Test: The proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they say. If you don’t honestly test your English, you will never know how much you know or what your level is. Our tests will help you do so. Moreover, our tests are not at all tedious; they are rather tantalizing, and will make you want to learn more. Go for them whole heartedly. Both results and feedback follow immediately and don’t leave you wondering how you fared in the test.


Study: Sometimes when you feel a little lazy but still want to use the time positively, this is the best section for you. Here we have prepared for you some presentations. You just need to go from one slide to the other and your grey matter will get lots of food for thought; I mean, language for communication.


Blog: Now, this is the icing on the cake. Our blog articles help you develop deeper insights into a variety of topics related to language and life. You are bound to find something that interests you. They give you ideas to brood over or talk about. People will like to listen to your views and opinions and educated comments—be it language learning, personality development, success or happiness.


So what are you waiting for? Make it a daily habit to visit www.fluentlingua.com and enrich your life from the comfort of your home.


Do please share this information with your friends, family, and colleagues. Thank you.


Happy Learning, Happy Sharing!


Best wishes,

Team Fluentlingua